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IFPUG™ Certified Function Point Specialist


As companies use Function Point Analysis (FPA) more and more in their contracts, IFPUG, as the body who certifies an individual’s capability, must ensure that the certified individual does indeed have the required expertise. Therefore, ongoing renewal that includes active testing is required to maintain the current high status of the CFPS/CFPP designation and to maintain IFPUG’s reputation as the certifying body. There is great demand in the industry for qualified function point counters. As such, it will be of great benefit to you to be recognized as an IFPUG Certified Function Point Specialist (CFPS) or IFPUG Certified Function Point Practitioner (CFPP).

The Certified Function Point Specialist (CFPS) designation recognizes the knowledge and skill at applying the IFPUG FPA rules. The CFPS requires that the candidate has a minimum of 90% overall on the exam and a minimum of 80% in each of the three sections: Definition, Implementation and Case Study. 

Doelgroep publiek

Anyone who is interested in or working in Function Point Analysis. The knowledge aquired through the Function Point Counting Practices Manual (CPM) created by IFPUG is beneficial for people working in the areas of Requirement Analysis, Project Management, Business Analysis, Solution Architecture and in general trying to size software to solve challenging problems where some of the factors are unknown.


You must fully understand the Function Point Counting Practices Manual (CPM) from IFPUG to be able to be successful in this exam. Training is available to support you with this process, but along with training you also need to gain some experience working in software sizing... the more you count - the better you'll get. 


In order to register and take the exam and maintain your certificate status, you must have a valid IFPUG Membership. For more information please check out the membership portion of the IFPUG website

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The global exam price vary depending on the certification and your geographical location.

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